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13 August 2014

Invisible Customer Service: The Customer Must Be Reminded Of How Good You Are!

Must-Reads for Hadi
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Invisible Customer Service: The Customer Must Be Reminded Of How Good You...
Shep Hyken
When you go to a restaurant, a retail store, or your company has an ongoing relationship with a vendor, it's easy to decide if...
Why Does Everybody Want to Work for Google?
Dean Bailey
The reason is simple – it's cool. You think of Google and the first image which probably springs to mind is of people...
4 Signs Your New Job Is In Danger
Neil Sato
It may have happened to you recently or a friend but it is not an uncommon tale of new job / old job whether it be a short 30 day...
Robin Williams and the No Asshole Rule
Bob Sutton
The news about Robin Williams' death is so sad, he was such a great and rare talent. Just like so many of you, I can't quite...
Should Employees Still Be Paid For Time at the Office Or What They...
Mark Hillary
LinkedIn has itself made the news recently, with a court settlement in California costing the company more than $6m in back wages...
How To Get Ahead In Your Career
Liz Ryan
In the old days there was a corporate ladder. You started out in a company as an entry-level employee and they taught you the...
Why Are Americans So Afraid Of Universal Healthcare Coverage?
Dan Munro
The fear is largely fueled by four things. A false assumption (with big political support) that a system based on universal...
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This email was intended for Hadi Santoso (Director of Flying Dove Agency). Learn why we included this.
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