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02 April 2014

U.S. GDP Grew 2.6% In The Fourth Quarter 2013, Up From Last Estimate

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U.S. GDP Grew 2.6% In The Fourth Quarter 2013, Up From Last Estimate
forbes.com in Editor's Pick
Real people helped drive U.S. economic growth in the fourth quarter of last year. But the jury of economists is out on whether...
Job Interview: Why Only 3 Questions Really Matter
Bernard Marr in linkedin.com
From my experience, there are really only 3 questions you have to prepare for and you can link most of the interview questions...
Employee Engagement Is A Leadership Commitment
forbes.com in Editor's Pick
It seems like so much of what I do these days seems to revolve around storytelling and brands. I thought it would be useful to...
10 women to watch at Advertising Week Europe 2014
theguardian.com in Editor's Pick
Advertising Week Europe is in full swing, with 14,000 attendees flocking to venues across the capital to listen to the industry's...
Selling Commercial Direct: Threat to Agents or Can Everyone Profit?
propertycasualty360.com in Editor's Pick
Hiscox USA has been selling commercial-insurance products direct to small businesses since 2010, and while the company has bet on...
Work/life unbalance
benefitscanada.com in Editor's Pick
Virtually all Canadians say that having a good work/life balance is the number one priority for a healthy lifestyle, but having...
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Richard Branson
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Deepak Chopra MD (official)
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