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12 February 2014

Top News for Hadi: White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016

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White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers...washingtonpost.com · By offering an unexpected grace period to businesses with between 50 and 99 employees, administration officials are hoping to...
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Facebook's Hiring SurpriseGeorge Anders on LinkedIn · When Facebook hunts for new talent, what tops its wish list? Brace yourself for a surprise. The giant social network – now valued...
Health Insurance Enforcement Delayed Again for Some Employersnytimes.com · The Obama administration is giving medium-size companies extra time to comply with the "employer...
Insurance giants win big at Winter Gamestheglobeandmail.com · Protection against cancellation entitles policy holders to compensation if the games are interrupted,...
ACA employer mandate further delayed for segment of employer pop.ebn.benefitnews.com · Employers with fewer than 100 workers won t have to provide health insurance until 2016 under Obamacare, as the administration...
Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Be Born at AOLbusinessweek.com · Self-insuring for health-care costs is likely why AOL got socked with $2 million in medical bills for two employees' difficult...
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This email was intended for Hadi Santoso (Director of Flying Dove Agency). Learn why we included this.
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