| LinkedIn Network Updates, Apr 23 - Apr 30 | | | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Eileen Greene Thank you for sharing this information - and thank you for your deployment of resources to our clients during this awful crisis. You and your team are first class. | | | Andreas Persson http://lnkd.in/eAbyqt | | | Tryg tjener 759 mio i første kvartal Den børsnoterede forsikringskoncern Tryg har haft gyldne tider i starten af 2013. Koncernen har tjent 759 mio. kr. før skat, viser regnskabet for første kvartal, som Tryg netop har offentliggjort. | | | | | Oliver Roberts Special cover requirements for engineers. http://lnkd.in/XWbjsD | | | | | |