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21 November 2012

Top news today: Supplementary insurance fills new gaps

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Supplementary insurance fills new gaps
reuters.com - Dustin Boersma, 25, wanted a health insurance plan that wouldn't break the bank. The Los Angeles-based freelance web developer found a policy for just $70 a month, but it came...
Trending within the following companies
Colonial Life
Insphere Insurance Solutions
Ohio opts out of Obamacare insurance exchange, Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor says
bizjournals.com - Ohio Gov. John Kasich will send a letter at the deadline Friday to U.S. Health and Services Director Kathleen Sebelius saying Ohio will let the federal government run its health insurance exchange under Obamacare, state...
Trending within the following companies
Nationwide Insurance
Wells Fargo
6 Things for Independent Agents to Worry About in 2013
insurancejournal.com - The 100-plus year-old independent agency distribution system is expanding. According to Future One's "2012 Agency Universe Study," the number of...
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Smartphones Favored for Customer Service Interactions
insurancenetworking.com - While online service is preferred overall, Celent survey also found that younger consumers favor face-to-face interactions for complex customer service issues.
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If P&C Insurance
ACE Group
Hostess Brands closing for good due to bakers strike
money.cnn.com - NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Hostess Brands -- the maker of such iconic baked goods as Twinkies, Devil Dogs and Wonder Bread -- announced Friday that it is asking a federal bankruptcy court for permission to close its operations,...
Trending within the following companies
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
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