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19 September 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 9/19/2012

Network Updates, Sep 12 - Sep 19
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Rianoor Prihatma is now connected to Khabib Alia
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Emanuele Arosio http://lnkd.in/FPj9Ha
Better Social Media Engagement Tops Marketers' Wish List
With the holidays coming - yes they are coming and will be here before you know it. And in case you're curious, my favorite color is blue and I'm partial to cashmere, just in case you want to start your holiday shopping now.
Kevin Knauss Good people, good place, come see...SACTO believes in Sacramento - http://ow.ly/dKFrr
Cristin Badgley http://lnkd.in/X4TNqn
Health Policy Issues Are Hot Topic Online In Key States
Romney (Photo credit: Talk Radio News Service) Topics: Insurance, Women’s Health, Politics, Health Reform Sep 18, 2012 CNN reports that news stories related to the health law and other health policies are being shared online more than those...
Sergio Monreal Chapinal IE A Security Risk, But ON24 Demands It via The Webinar Blog - http://tinyurl.com/3ruuxwv - Subscribe: http://lnkd.in/SmjkDP
IE A Security Risk, But ON24 Demands It
If you follow the technical side of the news, you will have noted stories in recent days about a security vulnerability in Internet Explorer that is unpatched so far. The government of Germany went so far as to issue a public...Read the whole entry-...
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